Wednesday 25 November 2015

What is blogging - 20 Biggest Benefits of Blogging

20 Biggest Benefits of Blogging

Blogs did not exist over the last 20 years, but today there is a huge number of blogs. Most people are surprised when I tell them the most important thing for a successful business is a blog. Although “blogging” has been successful, most individuals don’t understand why blogging is very helpful, beneficial and powerful. To enlighten you, in this guide I’m going to discuss the 20 biggest advantages of having a blog.

20 Advantages of Having A Blog 

Find a better job
Based on research, most companies before hiring a new employee, they check online profiles. Companies will want to hire individuals who have a very big influence online. In light of this, it is important for you to have a positive online influence. You can build a positive online influence through blogging.

Start a brand new business
In most occasions, a blog begins out as a leisure pursuit. However, after a specific duration of time it can become a full time business. An easy blog can be the major foundation for a growing business as long as you commit to it.

benefits of blogging

Get more customers to your current business
Static sites don’t attract many brand new customers or clients. However, a blog that is updated regularly can generate a frequent stream of great leads from all the regions in the world.  When you post relevant blog posts that assist potential customers solve their issues, they grow to respect and trust you as a professional in the field. In case they need more aid than a blog post can provide, they are more likely to hire your business.

Become a great writer
You can only become a great writer by regularly writing pages as an active blogger, you should spend most of your time writing.

Be a published author
The publishing business is no longer what it used to be. Now, it is very difficult for authors to take the opportunity on an unknown author. Most publishers would prefer to offer a contract to a writer with an audience of readers that is built-in- and that is where owning a blog becomes vital. Keeping a blog does not just help you become a great writer but also it is the quickest trail to become a published writer.

Get Feedback immediately
An author has no option but to wait for several months after finishing writing a book and reading the reviews. However, bloggers have the chance to read their reader’s feedback the very same day they tap “publish”.
This makes blogging the best way to receive feedback on a concept that you wish to develop further. It is very crucial to get to hear perspectives of other people and a little bit of constructive criticism.

Get to know more about a group of people
Bloggers usually spend most of their time their insights and ideas with their readers. However, if you listen, you will discover that your readers have a lot to share with you too.

I acquired a lot of new things about the readers on Income Diary from your feedback, your posts, and your tweets on the forums. That specific information assists me to be familiar with what kinds of posts to write and I’m sure it also helps John determine what types of products to build that will help his visitors the most.
Getting to know your audience is very significant (this is the main reason why companies spend a lot of money and time to experiment their products in focus groups). Achieving this type of insight as a blogger is a natural by-product of your daily routine.

Gain Influence
You could change the world either by becoming an activist, politician, or volunteer. You could also change the world by becoming a blogger. Successful bloggers gain a wide audience of individuals who respect and trust them.

Establish yourself as a professional in your field
Anybody can write a blog from any subject they choose. So you don’t gain a lot of respect simply by stating, “I have a site about that.”

But with time, as you write blog posts and share more of your field of expertise, your site will change from “just another blog” into a great manifestation of your knowledge in that specific field. If a person visits your website and see the ideas you have shared on a particular subject, together with a group of people who have great admiration for you and seek that idea, it will be quite evident that you are an expert in that field.

Develop a Network
The richest individuals in the world develop networks but others look for work. Beginning a blog is a good way to enlarge your network. Interesting and valuable blog posts attract readers who will then leave a feedback on your website and send you personal texts via your contact page. Most of your readers will be seeking help, while others will want to offer you their help. A blog post is also a great platform to reach out to others.

Learn In-Demand skills
There are blogging platforms that are very easy to use for instance WordPress. In light of this, you don’t need to have deeper knowledge of computer programming so as to start a blog.

However, through the blogging process, most individuals learn some CSS and HTML simply because it is simple to make minor enhancements to your website that it is to hire an expert every time. That is great news because fluency in web design, CSS and HTML are very important skills in this modern age.

Enhance your SEO
Definitely, search engines want to give results that are very helpful to their users. Google takes notice when you write a sequence of valuable articles in a specific niche. Each blog post with high quality content that you publish is another chance to get traffic from search.

Gather Emails
There is a lot to say concerning social media today, but still the most effective way to communicate online is through emails. Most individuals check their email more often and they are used to the idea of getting significant updates.

People hardly give their primary emails, but once you have it, you have a direct link with that individual. You will then have the ability to get their attention anytime you get something that you think will help them or if there is something significant regarding your blog or business that you wish to inform them about.

Remain knowledgeable in your specific field
If you are looking for away to ensure you are up to date with all the latest trends and important information on a particular subject, beginning a blog is a good start.

Sell a product
A blog can create an amazing virtual store. Most bloggers have made a great fortune selling everything from membership websites to e-books.

Speak to your idols
You can gain a lot of knowledge by speaking to your idols. Getting to sit down and talk with your idols can be an inspiring experience that you will live to remember.

Express yourself
This one is very easy: a blog is an expressive channel that can contain images, sounds, and words. Whether you have a personal or business blog, blogging is a great form of self expression.

Assist others
If you really want to help your readers, then you should create an amazing blog. Income diary achieves this by providing free content about how you can make money online. Other blogs assist individuals lose weight, come to term with life threatening diseases and raise their kids.

Build trust online
Trust is a valuable and rare commodity online. Trust has to be earned, you cannot buy it. You can build trust online by showing your dedication to your readers over and over again. Good blogger do that by constantly posting honest, valuable articles on their blogs.

Take charge of your online identity
Whether you are a business or a person, perhaps there is a lot of content about you online. You should ensure that when people search online for you, they an exact and full picture of what you are all about and who you are. You can control your online identity by starting a blog that covers all the bases.

The above are the 20 biggest benefits of blogging. A blog can help you improve your online

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