Thursday 24 December 2015

Tuesday 22 December 2015

40 Google AdSense Alternative Options To Make Money Blogging

40 Google AdSense Alternative Options To Make Money Blogging

Google AdSense is the best advertising network in the market today that follows a pay-per-click advertising model. After Google AdSense was first released they were accepting almost all sites with more than 100 content rich pages and that abide with their basic program policies. Therefore, almost everybody was able to get an AdSense account (even with poor quality content) in a period of one week or two. However, today your site must abide with Google AdSense Program Policies and also abide with Google Webmaster Guidelines. Basically, that means you can be denied your AdSense application if you site is hosting copyrighted content or is selling text links, etc. It does not matter whether your website abides with these program guidelines and policies, they may still not accept the application depending on the quality of content.

Is there a possibility of generating cash Blogging without Google AdSense?

Google AdSense Alternative

The answer is yes there are great ways to make money blogging. However, you should know that Google AdSense is almost indisputable when it comes to, monetization simply because they have the biggest ad inventory. since pay-per-click ad network determine the price per click depending on bidding, when a huge number of advertisers are bidding for a similar ad position the price per click goes up naturally. For that specific reason, AdSense stands out among other ad networks out there. However, that does not mean that you can’t generate more cash that you used to make with AdSense from different networks. For example, if you utilize the correct affiliate program then its earnings may be higher than all your ad revenues integrated. However, the major issue with affiliate programs is that they are not very reliable.

What are the alternatives and options to Google AdSense?

The good thing is, there are several sites to monetize our content in different ways without utilizing AdSense. Some of the include text links, paid guest posts, in-image ads, in-text ads etc.
You can consider these AdSense options if Google – denied your application, banned your account for whichever reason, or if you don’t want to rely on AdSense income alone or if you want to try something new.

40 Best Google AdSense Options

You can put ads from almost all the below networks together with Your Google AdSense Ads.

Yahoo! Bing Network Contextual Ads (by is perhaps the best option to AdSense as it is operated by Yahoo Bing Network. Usually, Bing has a good ad inventory and they also have a search market share of about 18%. Personally I have tried a few months that have passed and the average CPM was great compared to any other AdSense options.

Minimum Payment Amount: $100 (PayPal); $500 (Wire Transfer)
Yahoo! Bing Network Contextual Ads: Sign Up | FAQ
Alexa Rank: 2,374
Programs Offered: Cost Per Click
Payment Method(s): PayPal, Wire Transfer


Clicksor is an amazing Google AdSense option which lets publishers to display advertisements associated to their site content by utilizing contextual technology. If you wish, you can place Clicksor ads together with Google AdSense ads and you are even allowed to set minimum prices for CPM, CPV, CPI and CPC ads. Usually, the ads formats include Text banners, Text Links, pop-unders, interstitial ads and Graphical banners. You can earn extra income and get up to 85% of the ad income by referring other publishers. Normally, Clicksor pays up to 10% extra income anytime you refer an advertiser or a publisher to Clicksor network.
Alexa Rank: 1,312
Minimum Payment Amount: $50 (PayPal, Check); $1,000 (Wire Transfer)
Payment Method(s): PayPal, Check, Wire Transfer
Programs Offered: Cost Per Click, Cost Per Impression
Clicksor: Sign Up | FAQ


SuperLinks is an ad network that provides several products for instance Full page ads, Premium banner ads, tower ads, footer ads, exit links and much more. You can make several ad units basically on a simple page. Now, Superlink is working together with OpenX, DoubleClick ad Exchange and other premium ad networks so that it can provide higher CPM compared to Google AdSense.
Alexa Rank: 37,719
Minimum Payment Amount: $100 (PayPal & Payoneer); $500 (Wire Transfer)
Payment Method(s): PayPal, Payoneer, Wire Transfer
Programs Offered: Cost Per Click


BidVertiser is a very great option to Google AdSense which pays your clicks that are valid on ads placed on your site and also conversions generated from those specific clicks. Usually, you have to display ads on your blog or website and advertisers bid against each other and as such you can earn the highest cost per click.
Alexa Rank: 1,364
Minimum Payment Amount: $10 (PayPal); $100 (Check)
Payment Method(s): PayPal, Check
Programs Offered: Cost Per Click
BidVertiser: Sign Up | FAQ


This is an online advertising network that lets publishers display ads on their blog, mobile site, app or website. They provide advertisers and publishers with search targeted, user targeted, local and mobile ads for blogs, websites, mobile sites and applications.
Alexa Rank: 2,326
Minimum Payment Amount: $10 (PayPal); $50 (Check)
Payment Method(s): PayPal, Check
Programs Offered: Cost Per Click
Chitika: Sign Up | FAQ


Sovrn provides many advertising alternatives like banner ads, remnant banner ads, rich media ads, image ads, homepage takeovers, social engagement ads, contextual ads, etc.
Alexa Rank: 2,326
Minimum Payment Amount: $10 (PayPal); $50 (Check)
Payment Method(s): PayPal, Check
Programs Offered: Cost Per Click
Lijit: Sign Up | FAQ


Yllix is an ad network that is compatible with CPC, CPM, Pop Up ads and CPA. You can get extra income by referring new publishers and advertisers. When you refer an advertiser, you receive $100 bonus and a 1% of lifetime ad spend. When you refer a publisher, you receive $50 bonus and 2% of lifetime publisher earnings.
Alexa Rank: 8,455
Minimum Payment Amount: $10 (PayPal); $500 (Wire Transfer)
Payment Method(s): PayPal, Wire Transfer
Programs Offered: Cost Per Impression, Cost Per Click, Cost Per Action, Pop Up Ads
Yllix: Sign Up | FAQ

Sell Direct Ads 

If your site is in a competitive niche and is receiving great traffic then you can sell direct ads. Usually, it functions best when you have a banner ad spots on your site so that prospective advertisers can contact you to purchase those ad spots. You can try these networks to make selling much easier.
BuySellAds is an advertising network online where publishers can record their ad inventory. You are granted access to a huge number of advertisers through their market place. BuySellAds network is compatible with web, RSS, mobile web, email, apps and Tweets. BuySellAds is a great option to AdSense and is used by most expert bloggers.
Payment Method(s): PayPal, Check, Wire Transfer
Alexa Rank: 2,041
Minimum Payment Amount: $20 (PayPal); $50 (Check); $500 (Wire Transfer)
Programs Offered: Cost Per Impression, Fixed Rate Banner Ads, Sponsored Tweets
BuySellAds: Sign Up | FAQ

Beacon Ads

Beacon ads is a great option to BuySellAds. Beacon Ads has a great user interface that looks just like BuySellAds.
Alexa Rank: 127,420
Payment Method(s): PayPal, Check
Programs Offered: Cost Per Impression, Fixed Rate Banner Ads
Minimum Payment Amount: $20 (PayPal); $50 (Check)


BlogAds is comparable to BuySellAds and specializes in blog advertising. You can sell ads to advertisers directly. By referring new advertisers, you can earn extra 15% revenue.
Alexa Rank: 47,002
Minimum Payment Amount: $75 (PayPal); $750 (Check & Wire Transfer)
Payment Method(s): PayPal, Check, Wire Transfer
Programs Offered: Fixed Rate Banner Ads, Sponsored Tweets
BlogAds: Sign Up | FAQ

Sell Text links

If you have a website with good quality then it is very easy to generate income selling text links because advertisers are ready to spend a huge sum of money to enhance their organic ranking. You can use the following alternatives of AdSense.

Matomy SEO

Matomy SEO links you to amazing advertisers who are looking for high quality website to purchase links. They put text link ads on your site so that your earnings don’t rely upon the page views and clicks of your site.
Alexa Rank: 11,337
Minimum Payment Amount: No Minimum (PayPal, Payoneer); $25 (Check)
Payment Method(s): PayPal, Payoneer, Check
Programs Offered: Fixed Rate Text Link Ads
Matomy SEO: Sign Up | FAQ


LinkWorth is another famous text link ad network and it is an option to Manatomy SEO. With LinkWorth it is very simple to monetize your site utilizing paid blog reviews, text links ads, in-content pay per click ads, in-text ads, hosted content pages, rotating text ads and many more.
Alexa Rank: 17,066
Minimum Payment Amount: $25 (PayPal); $100 (Check, Wire Transfer, EFT)
Payment Method(s): PayPal, Check, Wire Transfer, EFT (US Only)
Programs Offered: Text Link Ads, Content Ads, Banner Ads, Sponsored Reviews
LinkWorth: Sign Up | FAQ

Content Platforms

Forget banner ads, pay-per-click, affiliate programs, and anything else as there are other more different ways to monetize your site.


Taboola assists advertisers to get traffic to their website utilizing information recommendation service. Therefore, if you are a publisher then you can go ahead and monetize your information by recommending content people you may like, utilizing Taboola customized recommendations. Taboola monetizes your site with a premium CPM by welcoming your users to discover videos and articles with high quality from Taboola’s market place.
Alexa Rank: 565
Programs Offered: Content Recommendation
Taboola: Sign Up


Written assists bloggers to monetize their best content and also helps brands to boost their visibility. licenses your information to different brands for a particular period of time and you will be earning money on a monthly basis.
Alexa Rank: 109,222
Minimum Payment Amount: N/A
Payment Method(s): PayPal
Programs Offered: Content Syndication
Written: Sign Up | FAQ

Sell Sponsored Reviews

This is the simplest way to earn money blogging as you can earn up to $50 for every sponsored review if you have a blog with high quality.
Sponsored Reviews
This is a blog advertising network that lets you create backlinks, boost traffic and enhance search engine rankings on your site.
Alexa Rank: 6,055
Minimum Payment Amount: No Minimum
Payment Method(s): PayPal
Programs Offered: Fixed Rate Sponsored Reviews
SponsoredReviews: Sign Up | FAQ


Blogsvertise lets you monetize your blog in different ways. You can generate cash by showing banner ads, sponsored posts or selling text links ads.
Alexa Rank: 10,029
Minimum Payment Amount: N/A
Payment Method(s): PayPal
Programs Offered: Fixed Rate Sponsored Reviews, Banner Ads, Text Link Ads
Blogsvertise: Sign Up | FAQ

There are several new ad networks released each year. In light of this, it is difficult to determine what is going to work effectively on your blog without actually trying. It is important you evaluate all the networks highlighted above to find out the best one that fits your website profile.

Monday 14 December 2015

Below are top 11 reasons to begin blogging today as marketing strategies

Below are top 11 reasons to begin blogging today as marketing strategies

Content marketing is very important for modern marketers.  However, there is already a lot of information out there, and Content marketing is not that good as compared to “interesting marketing”. All these media channels are powerless without interesting content. One of the main reasons why individuals follow brands on social media is because of interesting content. In light of this, you must ensure that you create very captivating content.

The plight of the modern marketer

Just over the past one year, the current marketing landscape has changed drastically. As Google modifies their algorithm, then Twitter, and eventually Facebook, it is making it very difficult for even the professionals to keep it up. Social media at some point was the golden goose. On the other hand, a Facebook page was the golden egg. Gather “likes” (earlier “fans”, see how quick things change) and your strategy for social media was done.

blog marketing strategy

However, this does not work today. Now the golden goose is at least ailing in parts or dead. An article published recently in the International Business Times focused mainly on the terrible results of Facebook’s brand new algorithms that dictates what users observe in their news feeds. Facebook’s organic has reduced from 16 to 2 % over the past two years.

Facebook and the decrease of its organic search

It was reported by Social Media Examiner that more than 70% of companies across 104 companies have realized a decline of Facebook organic search by 30% in the past one year. Most people are wondering how this happened. In simple terms, it is a surfeit of success. Usually, Facebook news feeds are cluttered with a lot of content. Facebook’s algorithm updates look to unclog news feeds that are overcrowded by displaying only important information to the user and filtering out any irrelevant content.

Even if users wish to see everything from a specific page, there is no way they can opt in. Companies utilizing social media to develop their brand, share important news, or reach out to the community are lumped into the category of promotion and as such they miss a big portion of their target audience.
Ads Assist, but not good enough

If the huge gun of social media reach is declining, what is next? Should we go back to banner ads? Research has proven that internet users would prefer to climb Mount Everest than to tap on a banner ad. Usually, Clickthrough rates are around 0.1%. Even what is more disappointing, up to 50% of Clickthroughs are fake or accidental. If those statistics are not that bad, print advertising is much worse. Print ads are very costly to produce and also the format does not provide engagement.  Research has shown that 70% of individuals say they learn about a business through a blog post as compared to an ad.

Is there any good news? Yes

Blogging is the last platform that lets you create information and attract readers without the imposition of third party applications or algorithms. Any form of online marketing is driven by blogging. Here is what we mean.

Social media

A social media campaign that is successful is fueled by content. You should not forget that interesting content is a major reason why individuals follow companies on social media networks. You are allowed to recycle content from different places. However, does that really place your company as a trusted resource or industry leader?


Some people see e-newsletter as an important part of content marketing. The reality is, one can still be an efficient form of communication when incorporated with your blog. Research has shown that 41% of individuals want to be alerted via mail when a brand new blog post is posted. You can promote your content in a new letter by providing a clear call to action that directs readers to your blog directly. You should utilize your blog to address questions that are frequently asked by clients, provide tricks and tips, or reference amazing case studies.

Photos Boost blog readership

Research has shown that 94% of the total viewers are attracted by content that has images than content without photos. You should remember to ad alt text to your pictures.

Utilize your blog to promote your video, and vice versa
Based on research, video was one of the most famous content marketing strategies in 2014. In the United States, 85% of the internet audiences like to watch videos online. However, without awareness and distribution video is useless. Utilize your blog to promote how to videos, customer testimonials, demonstrations or quick tips. You should utilize social media to advertise your video that links back directly to your blog.

Marketing automation

The main reason why marketing automation is not successful is due to lack of content. Normally, successful content marketing generates five times more leads. However, attempting to execute a strategy that is very effective without good content can be likened to driving a vehicle with no wheels. It is impossible.

Looking for more proof?

Do you still doubt that blogging is worth the time? Then consider this. Industries that generate 15 blog posts every month average 1,200 brand new leads each month. Enhancing SEO is perhaps the most obvious reason businesses start a blog. Studies have shown that blogging boosts inbound links by 97%, the most essential aspect in Google’s algorithm. It is important to note that Google gives higher priority to websites that create content with high quality that is relevant to their specific audience. Normally, a blog is the perfect car for sharing the best you have to give, making your business more interesting and maintaining your online presence.

Below are 5 additional reasons to begin blogging today.

Be a tough leader

You should show your clients that you care about your company, their requirements and the quality of service of products that satisfy those needs. You should share your experience and encourage your customers to leave comments. You can use hash tags to start a conversation on social media, answer questions and reply to feedbacks.

Gain insight into your target audience

Blog analytics assist you to determine what your audiences are interested in. Monitor posts by website visits, time on each page, shares, popular subjects, comments and Clickthroughs. Utilize Google analytics or different tools to gather important information about your social media channels, website and blogs.

Boost your conversion rate

Turning leads into clients is the objective of each company. Research has shown that 61% of United States clients say they have made a purchase depending mainly on a blog.

Sharpen your skills

Staying steps ahead of your competitors is vital to consumer loyalty. Blogging helps you to remain ahead of the curve in your company, often thinking of news and trends that will attract your audience. The simple act of writing about your company will make you think about your business and industry at a complex and a deeper level.

Make a good investment

Blogs are marketing strategies that are very cost-effective. You should write about what you understand best and what your clients wish to know about your company. Each blog is you own long term asset to be utilized repeatedly on social media, email newsletters, in eBooks, or any other type of content marketing. A blog post that is received well by the audience, for instance, might act as the foundation for a webinar. You should see your blog as the basis for building brand awareness, while improving your online reputation and promoting your products. You should not let your website become an idle asset because you have invested in it. Separate yourself from the competition and become a significant player in your industry by investing greatly in blog content.

The advantages of blogging for your company are undeniable. You should begin using the most efficient medium to attract new clients, build your brand’s credibility and build relationships with existing customers.

Sunday 13 December 2015

The Best Blogging Tips I Have Never Shared before to make money online

The Best Blogging Tips I Have Never Shared before

I usually think about blogging a lot. I have had a number of great ideas and even bad ones. The good thing is, I think I have discovered something new that will be very interesting to you. It works amazingly well for finding traffic, building trust, keeping people on your website, gathering leads, and I have never seen anybody else do it just exactly like this. In this guide I’m going to explain the most advanced blogging strategy I have ever thought of.

Blogging and the old school promoting rule of 7

It is important you comprehend the thought process behind it, even before we get to strategy. There is an old school advertising idea that states:
“Customers have to observe an ad seven times before they buy.”

How does that rule apply to blogging?
I view blog posts as advertisements. If I stumbled upon your website seven times and study 7 of your blog posts, then I will read your about page, sales page, opt-in, and perhaps send you an email appreciating you for your blog. Considering that, your objective as a blogger is to get visitors to read 7 blog posts.

make money online
Blogging Tips

Now let’s discuss how to do that.

Begin with foundational articles for each single category
Foundational articles have been around for a long period of time.
Simply take you main blog topic and divide it up into categories. (You should have already done this to make groups for your posts.) After that, write a 3,000-5,000 word, foundational resource blog post for each single category.

Here are few concepts:

Top 101 Tricks for (Category)
How to (Category)
(Category) 101.
The best guide to (Category).
(Category) for (your audience)

If you build a number of master resources like this, individuals will begin to trust you.
Create specialty articles for each single tip within your foundational articles

Immediately you have a few final resources on your blog, it is the perfect time to split those concepts into specialty articles that give extreme explanation on each tip.

For example, let’s create a post on Income Diary titled, 100 ways to generate money online. It will be difficult to get the post ranking high in search engine because “make money online” is a very competitive keyword.

We take each method of making money online for the specialty articles and commit a whole post to it. These specific posts will rank higher because the Keywords are long tail, they are more niche, so there is very little competition.

Strategically interlink your foundational articles and specialty articles

Interlinking has a number of benefits but this strategy drives interlinking to the next level.
What we have here is a group of same articles on specialty topics that reel in search traffic naturally. In case such a reader Is pleased with the idea of “Make Money Online Strategy ≠ then they are definitely also interested in ≠2, ≠3, and 4≠. And they are also interested in the 101 ways to generate money online.

You should not forget that our objective is to get our readers to read 7 blog posts. Therefore, the best way to keep readers on your website is to tactically connect to the other MMO strategies as the main call to action and ensure it is obvious. You should see interlinking as a sales channel to get people to your foundational article.

Then, on the foundational article, connect back out to each single one of them below their corresponding tip with:
More info: (title of specialty blog post)
Then you will be directed onto your website via the specialty article, work their way through the channel, land on the foundational article, and get a huge number of other articles that they are interested in reading.
Point foundational article to a Squeeze page

The beauty of the channel is three fold:
The foundational will get huge numbers of traffic. With the channel, most people will always be looking for their way back to the foundational article.

The foundational will often get re-shared. Considering it is one of your amazing articles, that will be the one they wish to share, especially since they have started trusting you and since they have spent hours reading your website.

The foundational will rise up in search engines. More traffic means greater chances for people to connect to it, not to highlight all of the internal linking.

However, the biggest advantage to this is that your foundational article becomes the best chance to gather opt-ins.
The issue with placing an email opt-in at the lower end of every blog post (not that I don’t support it) is that I can’t trust you enough just after reading one post.
If I read two or three posts, then maybe
If I read six or seven posts, then definitely I will trust you.

You can use the following ways to collect emails:

Place an opt-in box at the end of the foundation.
Take the call to action a link to a significant squeeze page.
Execute this strategy for each foundational article in every category

The advantage of following this foundational article- specialty article channel strategy is that you can utilize it for each category. It is very similar to creating mini networks of information within your blog. And every time you add a blog post, the mini network becomes valuable and stronger. Over time, you will be the trusted authority in your field. The above highlighted are the best blogging tips that you can implement.

Tuesday 8 December 2015

How this poor baby lion is abandoned by his mother - Shocking facts about lions

How this poor baby lion is abandoned by his mother - Shocking facts about lions

Its really so sorrowful. I got this on youtube and it's really depressing you really need to see it.

Thursday 3 December 2015

Amazing funny picture of the day really crazy stuff you will like to see

Amazing funny picture of the day 

funny picture of the day

Yes that is really so amazing funny picture of the day that can give you a smile. Its so crazy to have such amazing idea that fits best at that person and every one can have a smile while walking in the streets and to see such kind of stuff.

Wednesday 2 December 2015

Most Funny Picture Of The Day - Best funny dancing gif

Most Funny Picture Of The Day - Best funny dancing gif

Funny Picture Of The Day

25 Impeccable Best SEO Tools For Blogging

25 Impeccable Best SEO Tools For Blogging

Blogging is a very time consuming process because you have to maintain various routines on a day to day basis. The optimization components like content sharing, keyword research, back link analysis and much more, takes much effort and time.

Consequently, most bloggers get carried away and give up instead of embracing the tiring tasks necessary for successful blogging. I’m very sure at some point you have asked yourself which tools are the best, with the least learning curve to facilitate the whole process.

Definitely we have!
For that reason we invited Irina Weber from to inform us which tools are the best organized and most productive to assist you succeed as a blogger.

Irina and her team have gone ahead and tested several tools of top blogging and productivity experts and have a great idea of what top performers in the blogging industry are utilizing to get through the entire day in a very productive manner. Here is an amazing list of best SEO tools that can supercharge and simplify your blogging efforts…

25 impeccable SEO tools for blogging


BuzzSumo is a great tool that allows you to browse widely shared information through social networks, define top influential information curators in your niche, gather all data about the content and collect statistics concerning all of them into Excel spreadsheets. The good thing is, it is very easy to use: simply type a word and it will show you the most famous posts on the web based on the specific keyword.

Trello is a good way to arrange your blogging process with your team via effective project management, real-time collaboration, monitoring project hours, a good report system and anticipated resource needs. The more knowledge you have, the smoother the entire blogging process will be.

SE Ranking
SE Rankings allows you to track site rank in search engines and any other target region. It offers advanced keyword analysis, website audits, competitor’s website checking, online marketing plans with a simple way to get White Label reports.

If you are looking for titles and good ideas to write epic content, simply enter a keyword and you will find a list of catchy titles for your next article.

Google Docs
This is an amazing tool where you can store and write your content and check for any spelling and grammar mistakes. If you want more advanced features, you can simply change the CSS or HTML of the document and even work together with other people, just in case you need some extra help.

In this modern world, infographics are the best to cover interesting and visual information on your website and attract your target audience. Piktochart will assist you to create your own free infographics because it can be very expensive to order. Graphs and pie charts can also be awesome to attract user’s attention.
ScreePresso can enhance your display capture experience. With ScreePresso, now screenshots can be more eye-catching and look natural. Their powerful built-in editor lets you to grab a photo or video of what you see on your desktop display, share with anyone and add effects.

Doodle makes you blogging more organized and simple. Utilizing a content calendar will assist you to figure out how regular and when you should schedule your blog posts. The tool gets rid of excess distractions and facilitates the content process.

It is one of the most common tools to store things like pdf files, word Docs and images between mobile phones and desktops. You can keep your files safe wherever you go. The tool is very easy to use; just save files, include them to the tool and then sync with a supported application.

Windows Live Writer
The tool simplifies the editing and writing of all blog posts. It is one of the most popular blog editors on the Windows platform. It is very easy to edit images, videos, blog posts, etc. You can also include extra features with lots of significant plugins.

It is one of the best pinging services to alert search engines about your new posts. You can select several services that you wish to ping. Services are updated frequently, so ensure you take full advantage of the most significant ones.

Keyword Planner
Keyword Planner is the best tool to discover and find keywords in order to optimize your information, gather metrics about websites, get an exact estimate of search questions for target keywords and create successful marketing campaigns with this great adwords keyword tool.

adwords keyword tool

A super simple time monitoring tool, that assists you to remain on track. It enables you to create tasks, monitor how the task is being carried out, click the start/ stop button and find out how much time you spend on the specific task. It usually works offline and online and syncs easily to the cloud when you are in the internet. It is a very necessary tool for specific bloggers who want to keep track of editing, writing and researching tasks.

The tool makes your writing skills much better by looking for grammar mistakes and fixing them. It checks several mistakes for sentence structure, grammar, style, punctuation, spelling, etc. It is a good match for newbie and it is not necessary for you to have special editing skills.

It is the most used picture software and it is because Canva lets you make awesome and fancy images with different templates for website interface, social media, fonts and much more.

It is an amazing real-time media tracking tool. This tool is an amazing option to Google alerts. It allows you to monitor the keywords and mentions about your site, whether it is negative, positive or neutral content. Utilizing mention you can also work together with your employees, assign tasks, share alerts, and keep track of your competitor’s actions.

MailChimp is a good marketing tool that assists to send mails to a directory of your users, manage all your subscribers, create great email campaigns, share them on social networks and incorporate with any web service you utilize. The tool is incorporated with Google Analytics for good business management.

When you post a blog post, you can use this tool to set up a schedule. It will assist you share different posts through social networks with custom titles and images. This is the best social media application, and it makes it very simple to update several social statuses.

KeyPass is a very easy to use management tool. Passwords are kept in your own database with a master key to unlock /lock the database. This tool is available for android, Linux, Mac OS X and iOS.

Moz Toolbar
Moz Toolbar is a powerful and great tool that gives access to all significant SEO metrics, shows PR and domain ranks, allows you to explore page components, analyzes page overplay and shows social metrics.

Screaming Frog
Screaming Frog lets you explore all onsite SEO. This is a great tool to utilize when reviewing large and medium sites. For better onsite SEO optimization it is important to check out all SEO recommendations.

Rapportive is an amazing Gmail add-on that shows everything about your contacts (FB, Twitter) on your inbox. It is very simple to contact them without necessarily leaving Gmail. You can friend them on Facebook and even follow people on Twitter. You can stay in one place, create good relationships with people, and grow your social network.

Copyscape is the best plagiarism software that allows you to find out who utilized your information and create an auto blog with an RSS feed. If You want, you can use the premium version or try it for free.

If you operate a number of projects, you may have to hire workers to finish specific tasks. So as to boost employee’s productivity, it is important to manage their daily activities and working hours. WorkExaminer is a great worker monitoring tool for efficient website performance.

It is a great online back link checker and website explorer tool that is very simple to comprehend. Ahrefs has a suite of important tools like domain comparison, keyword analysis, competition analysis and batch analysis. It is perfectly design for website owners and web masters that want to get the most out of their business and to make money. Due to its wide range of toolsets and rich functionality, it is poised to be a big competitor on the market.

We had a chance to checkout most of these tools. It is quite evident that blogging is a difficult world to be successful. With the correct tools, you are guaranteed to enhance your chances of victory on your blogging expedition.