Sunday 13 December 2015

The Best Blogging Tips I Have Never Shared before to make money online

The Best Blogging Tips I Have Never Shared before

I usually think about blogging a lot. I have had a number of great ideas and even bad ones. The good thing is, I think I have discovered something new that will be very interesting to you. It works amazingly well for finding traffic, building trust, keeping people on your website, gathering leads, and I have never seen anybody else do it just exactly like this. In this guide I’m going to explain the most advanced blogging strategy I have ever thought of.

Blogging and the old school promoting rule of 7

It is important you comprehend the thought process behind it, even before we get to strategy. There is an old school advertising idea that states:
“Customers have to observe an ad seven times before they buy.”

How does that rule apply to blogging?
I view blog posts as advertisements. If I stumbled upon your website seven times and study 7 of your blog posts, then I will read your about page, sales page, opt-in, and perhaps send you an email appreciating you for your blog. Considering that, your objective as a blogger is to get visitors to read 7 blog posts.

make money online
Blogging Tips

Now let’s discuss how to do that.

Begin with foundational articles for each single category
Foundational articles have been around for a long period of time.
Simply take you main blog topic and divide it up into categories. (You should have already done this to make groups for your posts.) After that, write a 3,000-5,000 word, foundational resource blog post for each single category.

Here are few concepts:

Top 101 Tricks for (Category)
How to (Category)
(Category) 101.
The best guide to (Category).
(Category) for (your audience)

If you build a number of master resources like this, individuals will begin to trust you.
Create specialty articles for each single tip within your foundational articles

Immediately you have a few final resources on your blog, it is the perfect time to split those concepts into specialty articles that give extreme explanation on each tip.

For example, let’s create a post on Income Diary titled, 100 ways to generate money online. It will be difficult to get the post ranking high in search engine because “make money online” is a very competitive keyword.

We take each method of making money online for the specialty articles and commit a whole post to it. These specific posts will rank higher because the Keywords are long tail, they are more niche, so there is very little competition.

Strategically interlink your foundational articles and specialty articles

Interlinking has a number of benefits but this strategy drives interlinking to the next level.
What we have here is a group of same articles on specialty topics that reel in search traffic naturally. In case such a reader Is pleased with the idea of “Make Money Online Strategy ≠ then they are definitely also interested in ≠2, ≠3, and 4≠. And they are also interested in the 101 ways to generate money online.

You should not forget that our objective is to get our readers to read 7 blog posts. Therefore, the best way to keep readers on your website is to tactically connect to the other MMO strategies as the main call to action and ensure it is obvious. You should see interlinking as a sales channel to get people to your foundational article.

Then, on the foundational article, connect back out to each single one of them below their corresponding tip with:
More info: (title of specialty blog post)
Then you will be directed onto your website via the specialty article, work their way through the channel, land on the foundational article, and get a huge number of other articles that they are interested in reading.
Point foundational article to a Squeeze page

The beauty of the channel is three fold:
The foundational will get huge numbers of traffic. With the channel, most people will always be looking for their way back to the foundational article.

The foundational will often get re-shared. Considering it is one of your amazing articles, that will be the one they wish to share, especially since they have started trusting you and since they have spent hours reading your website.

The foundational will rise up in search engines. More traffic means greater chances for people to connect to it, not to highlight all of the internal linking.

However, the biggest advantage to this is that your foundational article becomes the best chance to gather opt-ins.
The issue with placing an email opt-in at the lower end of every blog post (not that I don’t support it) is that I can’t trust you enough just after reading one post.
If I read two or three posts, then maybe
If I read six or seven posts, then definitely I will trust you.

You can use the following ways to collect emails:

Place an opt-in box at the end of the foundation.
Take the call to action a link to a significant squeeze page.
Execute this strategy for each foundational article in every category

The advantage of following this foundational article- specialty article channel strategy is that you can utilize it for each category. It is very similar to creating mini networks of information within your blog. And every time you add a blog post, the mini network becomes valuable and stronger. Over time, you will be the trusted authority in your field. The above highlighted are the best blogging tips that you can implement.

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