Saturday 23 January 2016

35 Plus best inspirational quotes about life that are real mind boosting

35 Plus best inspirational quotes about life that are real mind boosting

inspirational quotes about life

Just know, when you truly want success, you’ll never give up on it. No matter how bad the situation may get.

Accept responsibility for your life. Know that it is you who will get you where you want to go, no one else.

I don’t regret the things I’ve done, I regret the things I didn’t do when I had the chance.

Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.

Its hard to wait around for something you know might never happen; but its harder to give up when you know its everything you want.

One of the most important keys to Success is having the discipline to do what you know you should do, even when you dont feel like doing it.

Good things come to those who wait… greater things come to those who get off their ass and do anything to make it happen.

Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, or worn. It is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace & gratitude.

In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.

Go where you are celebrated – not tolerated. If they can’t see the real value of you, it’s time for a new start.

Dont be afraid to stand for what you believe in, even if that means standing alone.

The best revenge is massive success.

Forget all the reasons it won’t work and believe the one reason that it will.

I am thankful for all of those who said NO to me. Its because of them I’m doing it myself.

The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle.

Life is short, live it. Love is rare, grab it. Anger is bad, dump it. Fear is awful, face it. Memories are sweet, cherish it.

When you say “It’s hard”, it actually means “I’m not strong enough to fight for it”. Stop saying its hard. Think positive

Life is like photography. You need the negatives to develop.

Don’t worry about failures, worry about the chances you miss when you don’t even try.

The pain you feel today is the strength you feel tomorrow. For every challenge encountered there is opportunity for growth.

Build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs.

The only thing that stands between you and your dream is the will to try and the belief that it is actually possible.

Self confidence is the most attractive quality a person can have. how can anyone see how awesome you are if you can’t see it yourself?

We learn something from everyone who passes through our lives.. Some lessons are painful, some are painless.. but, all are priceless.

Being happy doesn’t mean that everything is perfect. it means that you’ve decided to look beyond the imperfections.

Nobody ever wrote down a plan to be broke, fat, lazy, or stupid. Those things are what happen when you don’t have a plan.

Three things you cannot recover in life: the WORD after it’s said, the MOMENT after it’s missed and the TIME after it’s gone. Be Careful

Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.

When the past calls, let it go to voicemail, believe me, it has nothing new to say.

Rule #1 of life. Do what makes YOU happy.

Walk away from anything or anyone who takes away from your joy. Life is too short to put up with fools.

Love what you have. Need what you want. Accept what you receive. Give what you can. Always remember, what goes around, comes around

Just remember there is someone out there that is more than happy with less than what you have.

The biggest failure you can have in life is making the mistake of never trying at all.

Life has two rules: #1 Never quit #2 Always remember rule # 1.

No one is going to hand me success. I must go out & get it myself. That’s why I’m here. To dominate. To conquer. Both the world, and myself.

Tags: inspirational life quotes, inspirational quotes about life, inspiring quotes about life, inspirational quotes on life, inspirational quotes for life, inspiring quotes about life, inspirational life quotes, 

Best Inspirational Thoughts I Got From Sir Richard Branson For My Blogging Business

Best Inspirational Thoughts I Got From Sir Richard Branson For My Blogging Business 

I respect Sir Richard Branson a lot. He is my mentor and I like to carry out his guidelines because they are guaranteed to generate results. A small number of billionaires appreciate the skills and ability of others- Richard Branson is one of them.

You might be wondering where I first met Mr. Branson?

Sir Richard Branson

Well, I did not meet Mr. Branson in person but by what he said. Any person who exists on this world is a product of his own words. The very instant I read his words, my entire business and blogging career turned around. Since I followed his advice, everything I do has been a success.

Here is Mr. Branson quote. However, on my own opinion it is an advice:

“To me, business is not about pleasing stockholders or wearing expensive suits. It is all about being true to yourself, focusing on significant things and your ideas.”

Did you just glance at it or read in-between the lines?

The reality is if you are a blogger and you wish to achieve remarkable success, I want you to read below as I evaluate the quote and how you can implement it. You see, the issue with most individuals is that they like reading popular quotes and get excited but never put it into action.

Now let’s begin off with the first keyword from Richard Branson.

Business is not about pleasing stockholders and wearing suits

If you go to work during the day, wearing suits and attempting to amaze your manager is the ultimate. In case you fail to please your employer, the will be a big issue and you will not be contented with your work.
For that reason, blogging is very unique. Of course, operating a blog implies you are into a genuine business but this time round, you are utilizing your blog as a tool to get to your intended audience and provide a solution to their pressing issues.

You should not attempt to please anybody. Because despite how good your posts are, some individuals will praise you while others will hate your work. However, that doesn’t really matter to your success.
The major key to developing a profitable online company is when your visitors, readers, fans, prospects and traffic act on what you recommended or what you said. The success of your online business is not determined by pleasing stockholders and wearing suits. It is all about convincing them to act what you said and obtain good results.

Be honest to yourself and your ideas

You are definitely wondering how you can be honest to yourself and your concepts.
Let’s start:

A WordPress blog is great enough to assist you express what you believe in and who you are.
Sir Richard Branson said what you think of yourself is the same way others will see you and address you. For example, the moment you begin referring to yourself as a pilot, even if you have not learned yet how to fly a plane, people will call you by that name. The main reason they will address you by that name, is because you are expressing what is on your side but not because you are attempting to fake it till you become it.
In case you are a blogger, you definitely have what it takes to completely change your own world. Of course, you are not some type of beggar who just lost his job and simply requires a safe haven. You have a powerful concept and only you can be able to express it.

You should be honest to yourself and your concepts. You should not conclude that you have nothing brilliant to deliver to your intended audience. Definitely you do and I advise you to act on that concept.

Focus on the essentials

The main setback for most bloggers is that they are attempting to do everything at the same time. You must filter the chaff out of the wheat if you want to be successful in your online business. It is not a good idea for you to spend 5 hours on Facebook, chatting with family and friends and look forward to get results with your blog. It will not happen that way but there is a better way. Richard Branson says that you must focus on the important things first. You should spend most of your time making videos if your target audience likes to watch instead of reading. If your target audience likes step by step tutorials, you should not cast your egg on article writing on those directories or on Twitter. Go ahead and write more tutorials. By doing this, you are focusing on the important components of your blogging business and very soon you are going to begin generating income from your commitment.

Get results

When I say results, I mean FAME, COMMUNINITY and MONEY. These are the 3 significant accomplishments for any blogger out there. Until you accomplish those, you should not abandon or relent your blog.

I’m grateful to Richard Branson for making me realize I have great ideas, and inspiring me. I’m sure now you have a changed mind set and a deeper focus for your blogging business.

Tags: blogging tips, best blogging tips, make money blogging, business blogging, richard branson, sir richard branson, motivational thoughts, inspirational thoughts 

5 Major blogging mistakes that you can make to make money blogging

5 Major blogging mistakes that you can make to make money blogging

Blogging is very beneficial if you use the right tips and techniques. You have to be able to resonate with your target audience giving them content that is hard to find online. Basically, this means you should be able to give visitors content which is unique, more in-depth and offers a complete solution when they are looking for one. Over the years since I started blogging, I have realized that most people are committed in creating relevant content. People usually fail to comprehend that credibility is the most significant asset a blogger can have. Perhaps you have noticed that top bloggers are in regular communication with other huge players in the industry. It is a society that is secret which opens up greater chances for you.

make money blogging

Over the years I have noticed many mistakes that bloggers make online which drives the readers away. If you have just started blogging or you have been blogging for years, it is essential to avoid these blogging mistakes.

Not being able to know your audience

The biggest mistake that most bloggers make is failing to understand their audience. Without knowing your audience, you will lose guidance in the kind of information you should be writing. First you must analyze your audience, get to know the type of services and products they need. Basically, what you write should be based around what resonates with your target audience. If you don’t know your audience well, definitely you have lost focus on what you are writing. It is essential to always evaluate data so you can comprehend where traffic is originating from.

Not Being passionate about the niche

If you started blogging with an objective of making money blogging you are going to have a difficult time remaining motivated. Research has shown that success is greatly related to motivation and the ability to persist doing something even when there is no monetary value related with it. Don’t get me wrong. This does not imply that you will not be rewarded for your commitment but you have to like what you do so that you will give all your best. I have had the opportunity to work with the best bloggers who didn’t get any money when they started out but kept on working harder because they were passionate and wanted to make a difference in what they did. It is not a good idea to get involved in something you are not passionate about. Blogging is very tough considering the number of competitors out there. In light of this, you need to have a lot of passion in what you do to help persevere during the tough times. You have to love your work and this will make a great difference between you failing and succeeding.

Not Gathering Emails

Another big mistake that bloggers make is not gathering email addresses from guests when they read your information. Email subscribers are the best way to keep engaging with your visitors and have them return back to your blog. Perhaps you have heard of the phrase “the money is in the list” and this statement is correct. Imagine you have 45,000 email subscribers on your list and sending out an update on new information you published recently. This implies you can probably drive 35,000 individuals back to your blog. If you review a service or product and have an affiliate link inside your content, you have increased the probability of making a sale through these specific visitors. The essential thing is to keep giving high quality content to your readers.

Holding back relevant content

There are very many competitors online. In light of this, you must ensure you deliver the best content. Google normally rewards sites which publish content with high quality on a daily basis. It is important to note the reason why people keep coming back to your website. You should not forget that people have arrived on your site because you offered something unique compared to other websites so keep that frequency and credibility going. Once you write great content it is essential to publish immediately so readers will keep coming back to your site. It may be challenging to produce high quality content 1-2 times every week but the rule of the thumb is to generate top-notch content every week. Carry out some research before producing content so that you can be unique from the rest. You should check what your competitors do. Before publishing your content, you can put a twist by adding videos, images and infographics.

Not interacting with your readers

It is essential to consider your visitor and find out why they have come to your blog directly. A majority of the population will find you through referrals and search engines and they are mainly interested in your content as a resource. Some of your readers will ask questions concerning your content. You must be ready to respond to each question. Usually, blogs have a comment box where clients ask questions and leave feedback. Very successful bloggers have even established an online forum where visitors can request tutorials and ask questions. It is essential that you developing a one-on-one relationship with your reader which plays a vital role in growing your blog.
Here are some of the things you can do to boost interaction on your blog…
It is important you activate a comment box on your blog immediately. Here readers can leave feedback and ask questions.
You should also activate the contact us form to have an alternative to submit queries. It is the best way to determine what type of content your readers are looking for.

Tags: blogging for beginners, blogging mistakes, best blogging tips, blogging tips, blogger tips, starting a blog, business niche ideas, blogging mistakes, make money blogging

Thursday 21 January 2016

10 Pics Of Paris Michael Katherine Jackson

10 Pics Of Paris Michael Katherine Jackson

Paris Michael Katherine Jackson
Paris Michael Katherine Jackson

Paris Michael Katherine Jackson
Paris Michael Katherine Jackson

Paris Michael Katherine Jackson
Paris Michael Katherine Jackson

Paris Michael Katherine Jackson
Paris Michael Katherine Jackson

Paris Michael Katherine Jackson
Paris Michael Katherine Jackson

Paris Michael Katherine Jackson
Paris Michael Katherine Jackson

Paris Michael Katherine Jackson
Paris Michael Katherine Jackson

Paris Michael Katherine Jackson
Paris Michael Katherine Jackson

Paris Michael Katherine Jackson
Paris Michael Katherine Jackson

Paris Michael Katherine Jackson
Paris Michael Katherine Jackson

Wednesday 20 January 2016

10 Most beautiful happy wedding anniversary quotes

10 Most beautiful happy wedding anniversary quotes

wedding anniversary quotes
wedding anniversary quotes

Experts on romance say for a happy marriage there has to be more than a passionate love. For a lasting union, they insist, there must be a genuine liking for each other. Which, in my book, is a good definition for friendship.

Chains do not hold a marriage together. It is threads, hundreds of tiny threads, which sew people together through the years.

Yes, it was love at first sight. I feel that after all these years, I have finally found my soul mate.

There is no more lovely, friendly and charming relationship, communion or company than a good marriage.

I think you have to be willing to take a bullet for somebody if you're going to stand up there, take your vows, and be married to them for the rest of your life.

Love is not weakness. It is strong. Only the sacrament of marriage can contain it.

I think long-lasting, healthy relationships are more important than the idea of marriage. At the root of every successful marriage is a strong partnership.

That there's no more important decision in life than who you marry.

After 45 years of marriage, when I have an argument with my wife, if we don't agree, we do what she wants. But, when we agree, we do what I want!

Tags: happy wedding anniversary quotes, happy wedding anniversary, wedding anniversary quotes, anniversary quotes, happy anniversary quotes, marriage anniversary quotes

10 Most Selected Happy Birthday Wishes Images

10 Most Selected Happy Birthday Wishes Images

Happy Birthday Wishes Images
Birthday Wishes Images 

Happy Birthday Wishes Images
Birthday Wishes Images 

Happy Birthday Wishes Images
Birthday Wishes Images 

Happy Birthday Wishes Images
Birthday Wishes Images 

Happy Birthday Wishes Images
Birthday Wishes Images 

Happy Birthday Wishes Images
Birthday Wishes Images 

Happy Birthday Wishes Images
Birthday Wishes Images 

Happy Birthday Wishes Images
Birthday Wishes Images 

Happy Birthday Wishes Images
Birthday Wishes Images 

Happy Birthday Wishes Images
Birthday Wishes Images

Tuesday 19 January 2016

How You Can Utilize WordPress Other Than Being Best Blogging platform

How You Can Utilize WordPress Other Than Being Best Blogging platform 

There are different ways for you to make cash online and live a fancy life. One of these ways is to become an expert blogger, writing about a company or topics that you love and monetizing your site accordingly. Wordpress is widely known as a best blogging platform. Apart from that, WordPress can be utilized to power different sites that can similarly assist you generate a huge sum of money online. Usually, this is accomplished through unique plugins, themes or some combination thereof.

Best Blogging platform

As A question and answer website

Most individuals turn to the internet because they have a query that they would love to be answered. That is why websites like Quora and are so famous. By utilizing the DW & Answer plugin, it is possible to operate the same kind of site with The greatest benefit of operating a website like this is that the information is largely user-generated.
Visitors to your website pose queries and then other readers give their answers. Usually, the DW Q&A plugin comes with a sequence of other great features to further boost your website, like the ability to block spam with reCAPTCHA, vote for the best answer, and set sticky queries that you wish to highlight.

As a discussion forum 

Speaking of sites that are filled with user generated information, WordPress can also be utilized as a platform where online discussions are held. There are different forums online for just any type of topic, from cars to cell phones to pet ownership. If you wish, you can carve your own unique niche and be very successful at it too.

As An Online Store

Whether you want to sell digital or physical goods, having a completely functional e-commerce website can really go a long way. It is important to have features like a shopping cart, being able to have product pages and a full checkout system that connects back into a backend for order shipping and processing.
A good alternative here is the Storefront WooCommerce theme from individuals at Woo themes. There are also a number of different extensions here to further enlarge your store online, like the Storefront Designer to “to improve your site design.”

As an artist portfolio

Are you a painter, a photographer, graphic artist or interior designer? A great way to show you work in an exceptional way and to attract more customers is with a breathtaking portfolio website. There are different themes that can serve this specific purpose and one of the most stunning is the correctly termed as Portfolio WordPress Theme from GavickPro.
The theme that is readily available as a free download is fast-loading and image-focused with a very responsive design, placing your visual work center and front.

As anything you want

If you really want to make a living online, you have to forget about common sense. Common sense would inform you that WordPress is only great for powering a blog, however as you can see clearly, this powerful platform can be utilized to power just about any site you would want. Despite how you decide to make money online, there is a personalized solution to get you there.

Tags: using wordpress, wordpress free blog, best blog platform, best blogging platform, blog platforms, best blogging platforms, best blog platform,

3 Of Most Popular Pablo Neruda Poems In English translation

3 Of  Most Popular Pablo Neruda Poems In English translation

Pablo Neruda poems In Spanish


Un perfume como una ácida espada

de ciruelas en un camino,
los besos del azúcar en los dientes,
las gotas vitales resbalando en los dedos,
la dulce pulpa erótica,
las eras, los pajares, los incitantes
sitios secretos de las casas anchas,
los colchones dormidos en el pasado, el agrio valle verde
mirado desde arriba, desde el vidrio escondido:
toda la adolescencia mojándose y ardiendo
como una lámpara derribada en la lluvia.

Pablo Neruda poems In English translation


Acid and sword blade: the fragrance
of plum in the pathways:
tooth's sweetmeat of kisses,
power and spilth on the fingers,
the yielding erotic of pulps,
hayricks and threshing floors, clandestine
recesses that tempt through the vastness of houses;
bolsters asleep in the past, the bitter green valley,
seen from above, from the glasses' concealment;
and drenching and flaring by turns, adolescence
like a lamp overturned in the rain.


Pablo Neruda poems In Spanish

Quiero volver al sur: 1941

Enfermo en Vercruz, recuerdo un día
del Sur, mi tierra, un día de plata
como un rápido pez en el agua del cielo.
Loncoche, Lonquimay, Carahue, desde arriba
esparcidos, rodeados por silencio y raíces,
sentados en sus tronos de cueros y maderas.
El Sur es un caballo echado a pique
coronado con lentos árboles y rocío,
cuando levanta el verde hocico caen las gotas,
la sombra de su cola moja el gran archipiélago
y en su intestino crece el carbón venerado.
Nunca más, dime, sombra, nunca más, dime, mano,
nunca más, dime, pie, puerta, pierna, combate,
trastornarás la selva, el camino, la espiga,
la niebla, el frío, lo que, azul, determinaba
cada uno de tus pasos sin cesar consumidos?
Cielo, déjame un día de estrella a estrella irme
pisando luz y pólvora, destrozando mi sangre
hasta llegar al nido de la lluvia!
                                             Quiero ir
detrás de la madera por el río
Toltén fragante, quiero salir de los aserraderos,
entrar en las cantinas con los pies empapados,
guiarme por la luz del avellano eléctrico,
tenderme junto al excremento de las vacas,
morir y revivir mordiendo trigo.
                                             Océano, tráeme
un día del Sur, un día agarrado a tus olas,
un día de árbol mojado, trae un viento
azul polar a mi bandera fría!

Pablo Neruda poems In English translation

I Want to Go South Again: 1941

Ailing in Vera Cruz, I remember
southern weather, weather
of the fleet fish in the heavens of water,
silvered, in my own country.
Loncoche, Lonquimay, Carahue, large on the summits,
circled by roots and serenities,
chaired upon platforms of rawhide and timber.
South is a stallion, submerging,
in the gradual trees and the dew, garlanded:
green muzzle poised, dropping water,
rump in the great archipelagoes, shadowed
and shimmering, ceremonial coal in his bowels.
Shade: will you never—finger and limb: will you never—
rivalries, portals and footfalls: are you never
to startle the jungles, the pathways and corn tassels,
mist, and cerulean cold that appoints you
the range of your wayfaring, endlessly vanishing?
Sky: conjure the day when I move in an orbit of stars,
trampling the lights and the powders, consuming my blood
till I nest in the eyrie of rain.
                                         Permit that I pass
from the Toltén's aroma of timber, from the tooth of the sawyer,
drenched to the footsoles, to enter the little cantinas.
Conduct me to light in the hazelnut's voltage,
measure my length in the offal of cattle
to die and be born again, biting the germens.
                                                      Bring out of Ocean
a day of the South, grapple a day from your waves,
day of the watery tree: and summon the polar blue wind
to melt in the cold of my colors!


Pablo Neruda poems In Spanish

Estación inmóvil

Quiero no saber ni soñar.
Quién puede enseñarme a no ser,
a vivir sin seguir viviendo?

Cómo continúa el agua?
Cuál es el cielo de las piedras?

Inmóvil, hasta que detengan
las migraciones su apogeo
y luego vuelen con sus flechas
hacia el archipiélago frío.

Inmóvil, con secreta vida
como una ciudad subterránea
para que resbalen los días
como gotas inabarcables:
nada se gasta ni se muere
hasta nuestra resurrección,
hasta regresar con los pasos
de la primavera enterrada,
de lo que yacía perdido,
inacabablemente inmóvil
y que ahora sube desde no ser
a ser una rama florida.

Pablo Neruda poems In English translation

Stationary Point

I would know nothing, dream nothing:
who will teach my non-being
how to be, without striving to be?

How can the water endure it?
What sky have the stones dreamed?

Immobile, until those migrations
delay at their apogee
and fly on their arrows
toward the cold archipelago.

Unmoved in its secretive life,
like an underground city,
so the days may glide down
like ungraspable dew:
nothing fails, or shall perish,
until we be born again,
until all that lay plundered
be restored with the tread
of the springtime we buried—
the unceasingly stilled, as it lifts
itself out of non-being, even now,
to be flowering bough.

Tags: Pablo Neruda Poems, pablo neruda, poesia de pablo neruda, poesias de pablo neruda, poems by pablo neruda

Wednesday 13 January 2016

Top rated 8 happy birthday wishes sms you really need to have them to send

Top rated 8 happy birthday wishes sms you really need to have them to send 

happy birthday wishes sms

I wish i would be there in this meantime.
I’m so down to you for that.
Please accept my deepest birthday wish.
Happy Birthday My Dear!!

I am dancing and singing on your birthday!
Only that you cant see me!!
Happy birthday
Wish I was celebrating with you.

happy birthday wishes sms

happy birthday wishes sms

happy birthday wishes sms

If kisses were rain id send u showers, 
if fun was time id send u hours,
if u needed a friend id send u me!
Happy Birthday To You Sweetheart

Dreams give rise 2 hope. Hope inspires efforts, 
Efforts results in Success So dreams r roots of success.
Let all ur dreams cum true this birthday..Happy Birthday

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