Saturday 23 January 2016

5 Major blogging mistakes that you can make to make money blogging

5 Major blogging mistakes that you can make to make money blogging

Blogging is very beneficial if you use the right tips and techniques. You have to be able to resonate with your target audience giving them content that is hard to find online. Basically, this means you should be able to give visitors content which is unique, more in-depth and offers a complete solution when they are looking for one. Over the years since I started blogging, I have realized that most people are committed in creating relevant content. People usually fail to comprehend that credibility is the most significant asset a blogger can have. Perhaps you have noticed that top bloggers are in regular communication with other huge players in the industry. It is a society that is secret which opens up greater chances for you.

make money blogging

Over the years I have noticed many mistakes that bloggers make online which drives the readers away. If you have just started blogging or you have been blogging for years, it is essential to avoid these blogging mistakes.

Not being able to know your audience

The biggest mistake that most bloggers make is failing to understand their audience. Without knowing your audience, you will lose guidance in the kind of information you should be writing. First you must analyze your audience, get to know the type of services and products they need. Basically, what you write should be based around what resonates with your target audience. If you don’t know your audience well, definitely you have lost focus on what you are writing. It is essential to always evaluate data so you can comprehend where traffic is originating from.

Not Being passionate about the niche

If you started blogging with an objective of making money blogging you are going to have a difficult time remaining motivated. Research has shown that success is greatly related to motivation and the ability to persist doing something even when there is no monetary value related with it. Don’t get me wrong. This does not imply that you will not be rewarded for your commitment but you have to like what you do so that you will give all your best. I have had the opportunity to work with the best bloggers who didn’t get any money when they started out but kept on working harder because they were passionate and wanted to make a difference in what they did. It is not a good idea to get involved in something you are not passionate about. Blogging is very tough considering the number of competitors out there. In light of this, you need to have a lot of passion in what you do to help persevere during the tough times. You have to love your work and this will make a great difference between you failing and succeeding.

Not Gathering Emails

Another big mistake that bloggers make is not gathering email addresses from guests when they read your information. Email subscribers are the best way to keep engaging with your visitors and have them return back to your blog. Perhaps you have heard of the phrase “the money is in the list” and this statement is correct. Imagine you have 45,000 email subscribers on your list and sending out an update on new information you published recently. This implies you can probably drive 35,000 individuals back to your blog. If you review a service or product and have an affiliate link inside your content, you have increased the probability of making a sale through these specific visitors. The essential thing is to keep giving high quality content to your readers.

Holding back relevant content

There are very many competitors online. In light of this, you must ensure you deliver the best content. Google normally rewards sites which publish content with high quality on a daily basis. It is important to note the reason why people keep coming back to your website. You should not forget that people have arrived on your site because you offered something unique compared to other websites so keep that frequency and credibility going. Once you write great content it is essential to publish immediately so readers will keep coming back to your site. It may be challenging to produce high quality content 1-2 times every week but the rule of the thumb is to generate top-notch content every week. Carry out some research before producing content so that you can be unique from the rest. You should check what your competitors do. Before publishing your content, you can put a twist by adding videos, images and infographics.

Not interacting with your readers

It is essential to consider your visitor and find out why they have come to your blog directly. A majority of the population will find you through referrals and search engines and they are mainly interested in your content as a resource. Some of your readers will ask questions concerning your content. You must be ready to respond to each question. Usually, blogs have a comment box where clients ask questions and leave feedback. Very successful bloggers have even established an online forum where visitors can request tutorials and ask questions. It is essential that you developing a one-on-one relationship with your reader which plays a vital role in growing your blog.
Here are some of the things you can do to boost interaction on your blog…
It is important you activate a comment box on your blog immediately. Here readers can leave feedback and ask questions.
You should also activate the contact us form to have an alternative to submit queries. It is the best way to determine what type of content your readers are looking for.

Tags: blogging for beginners, blogging mistakes, best blogging tips, blogging tips, blogger tips, starting a blog, business niche ideas, blogging mistakes, make money blogging

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